MUA FACES BY E'TOSH | Columbia, South Carolina

Last weekend I had a photo shoot in Wilmington North Carolina, which was cancelled due to the weather.  So since my photo shoot plans were cancelled my wife and I decided to head down to Columbia, South Carolina for a weekend get away.  Since I had my gear in the back of the car, while en route we planned a quick photo shoot with MUA E'toshia owner/operator of Faces by ETOSH; E'Toshia reached out to Monica Conyers, who said yes and just like that we got a photo shoot together at the last minute.

E'toshia did a wonderful job with Monica's MUA and accommodated us at her home for the photo shoot.  While E'toshia was doing her thing I scoped out a few locations for the photo shoot and based on where the light was falling I decided to do the photo shoot in front of her garage door.  Crazy right, but the light was just right and I let the natural lighting dictate where I would shoot and I didn't care about the background.  However, to add some interest I asked E'Toshia if I could use a painting that was on her wall as the back drop and I think that addition came together pretty well.

I did record some BTS video but I left my BTS camera with the footage in Columbia and I am still trying to figure out if I should drive to pick it up or have it delivered.

Thank you Duane Herbert for the assistance with the shoot.  Also, thank you to my wife for assisting with the BTS video, although I forgot it.  Lastly, thank you E'Toshia and Monica for coming together at the last minute to pull this shoot off.

If you like what you see, please share with your friends and family.  Also, please click the heart button and/or post some feedback below.