Same Location Unique Images | Workshop | Cary, NC Photographer

Most photographers, new or advanced, know how to take a picture, however, there is a difference between capturing, and creating an image.  For example: arguably, most photographers would say (including myself) light is very important, and it is, but light alone cannot and does not create an image; a lack of understanding of this fundamental fact is what will make the difference between taking a picture, and creating an awe-inspiring image.  

Let me give you another example: does having bokeh in all your images make you a great photographer?  Does that make you stand out from your competition?  I would argue it does not and here's why.  Just like any consumer out there, I can go purchase the same expensive lens, put my camera in auto and get the same bokeh as someone else; this now places us on the same competitive field.  Having expensive gear is meaningless today; understanding light is important but it is not as important as all all the necessary components that go into building and creating a remarkable image.

In this workshop I focused on maximizing the same location to get a variety of images. I wanted the attendees to walk away inspired, full of knowledge and with the confidence to create their own amazing images.  It was important to impress the main elements that will take them from being average to amazing photographers.

I want to thank the amazing models Ashley Denton and Lauren Anjelica that helped to make this workshop an amazing successes.  In addition, I would like to thank the two assistants who turned into my two students for the day.

If you would like to attend one of my work shops, please join our meetup group and check for the next available workshop.  If you don't see any upcoming workshops just contact me directly and we put something on the calendar.

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